GreenPak calls for proper and correct use of Bring In Sites
GreenPak drew the attention of the public that it is not allowed to dispose of dangerous objects or substances in its bring-in-sites.
GreenPak delivered this educational message to the public following the yesterday’s incident when a truck collecting separated metals from bring-in -sites operated by GreenPak caught fire. It seems that some irresponsible person or reckless persons threw metal containers with explosive or highly inflammable liquids in bring-in-sites. While investigations are still underway, the indications are that the material was some form of solvent liquid.
This incident could have had more serious consequences had the material caught fire when the truck arrived at Sant’ Antnin recycling facility.
GreenPak reminds users that bring-in-sites bins should only be used for separated waste, namely glass, plastic, metal and paper/cardboard. To avoid such incidents, it is not allowed to dispose of other materials, composite materials, or liquids in bring-in-sites.
For more information, one can visit the site: www.greenpak.com.mt or call GreenPak on telephone number: 2166 0233.
- April 23, 2017 No comments Posted in: Education Tags: bring-in sites, educational message, greenpak, proper use