Thursday 23 January 2025

Chris Gruppetta: “Why I agree with ACTA”

Are you confused about the ACTA controversy? Here publisher Chris Gruppetta explains why he thinks it is a good thing

Just because we all download stuff illegally doesn’t make it legal. We’re all assuming downloads are a God-given right when in fact it’s stealing. ACTA is saying if you’re complicit in distributing stolen material your site may – subject to many caveats and clauses – be taken down (vide the Megaupload case) – what exactly is wrong with that? Isn’t that how the “real” world operates?

Well, many of us haven’t bothered to read the treaty and are relying on at-times-inaccurate youtube clips and articles. Others choose to think illegal downloads are a right and focus on the fact that the huge multinationals are thieves and crooks who make millions, so stealing from them is ok. Now where have we all heard that one before?

Yes of course there are things that are not perfect in ACTA, but aren’t we conveniently forgetting that if any power gets abused, the law will be struck down by human rights legislation (which supercedes all other legislation anyway).

I insist the key remains that we’ve so become accustomed to download whatever we need (i’m not claiming to be a download virgin here) that we can’t imagine this “right” being limited in any way.

An ISP repeatedly allows illegal downloads notwithstanding multiple warnings? So what’s so wrong with holding the ISP responsible? (Which anyway isn’t completely the case with ACTA)

The other argument is that there are less extreme ways of enforcement – hmm, in over a decade of online lawlessness has anyone found such ‘less extreme’ way? Be my guest and suggest some. They were all toothless …

And so it goes on …

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