The Mediterranean Children’s Movement
“Stop. Stop the war. We want it over. Children are terrified, anxious, living in fear and deprived of their rights. What happens now? Death. Migration. Poverty. Families split. Children separated and lost. Please stop!” the Mediterranean Children’s Movement Children’s Council.
Children are being left at the mercy of leaders who have not sought mediation and negotiation instead of war.
The Management Board and the Children’s Council of the Mediterranean Children’s Movement meeting in Malta, between the 19th and 21st October 2023, condemns all forms of violence against Children and deplores the horrendous disregard of Children’s Human Rights in the Middle East, for over one million innocent Children. We rebuke the situation of starvation, dehydration, and lack of necessary healthcare amongst other fundamental children human rights that innocent Palestinian Children are being deprived of in Gaza, and demand the liberation of Israeli children taken as hostages.
The Mediterranean Children’s Movement is saddened at the merciless maiming and killings of so many thousands of innocent Children by war and conflict.
We stress for the need of humane and responsible global leadership, that respects human rights, human dignity, international humanitarian law and the Geneva Convention. We expect that responsible global leadership values the lives of all children.
We demand that the warmongers in the Middle East stop the war, stop the attacks on civilians and in particular on innocent Children. The MCM urges all nations, leaders, and the global community to work for peace, to bring the parties to the negotiating table, and to support in finding solutions. We urge all child rights defenders to stand up for and with Children in our region and beyond, to portray a strong voice in favour of Children’s human rights.
With bloodshed and war no one wins!
- October 28, 2023 No comments Posted in: Hot Topics Tags: children, war