Friday 07 February 2025

Let’s keep talking…

It’s been quite a year of changes for me, and one of the biggest changes has been the setting up of this website.

Thanks to all those who have clicked, liked, shared, linked, commented and even criticised what I write.  Above all thanks to those who supported me in this venture, especially my family and friends.

As regular readers have probably discovered, you may not always agree with me, but that does not mean we have to resort to insults and name-calling. Those who tried that quickly lost interest and migrated elsewhere, since  I refuse to upload these type of comments. This will remain a hate-free zone.

As we turn over the pages of the calender for a new year, here’s hoping we can continue to exchange ideas and opinions in an atmosphere of mutual respect and healthy, lively debate.

Most of all,  as the election campaign heats up, it is imperative that we retain our sanity through large doses of humour and satire, because the worst thing we can do is to take ourselves too seriously.

Have a happy, but above all safe, start to your New Year tonight. I leave you with one my favourite cartoon characters, Maxine who has “something say” for every occasion…






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