Friday 07 February 2025

Race against time in Valletta

What world do we want our children to inherit? A world without bees or turtles or sharks? This year’s Science in the City festival, taking place across Valletta between 6 pm and midnight on Friday, has gathered together Malta’s non-governmental organisations to help visitors answer this question through games and many more interactive experiences.

The NGO area at De Valette Square shows research that can aid us in the race against time to save various animal species. BirdLife Malta collects data about bird migration, while Sharklab explains how sharks hold the key to the Mediterranean Sea’s future. Nature Trust Malta’s Wildlife Rescue Team volunteers will share their experiences of turtles ingesting increasing amounts of marine debris like microplastics.

Marine debris is not only a problem for animals: head over to Youth for the Environment to see how dirty the sand from Golden Bay really is, and play their interactive quiz full of ideas to reduce waste. Kopin will use games to focus on climate related migration. Here, put yourself into the shoes of refugees, see if you can spot the effects of climate change, or learn about water usage in everyday life. Finally, fair trade cooperative KKG will help you place your favourite tropical fruit on a world map.

Another exciting place to visit will be the Grandmaster’s Palace Courtyard, which transforms into an interactive area for the whole family to learn more about bees. Using #Bees4Food as the main slogan, Greenhouse and other NGOs will raise awareness of the problems a world without bees would face. Featuring an immersive walking tour, a shadow puppet show, craft stands and a pollen snatch game for younger kids, there are many fun activities to help visitors obtain a bee passport!

These NGOs show how science is connected to so many little things we encounter in our daily lives through this planet shared by all.

The Science in the City—European Researchers’ Night festival, is organised by the University of Malta, the Research Trust of the University of Malta and the Malta Chamber of Scientists together with a large number of partners. It is funded by the European Commission’s Research and Innovation Framework Programme Horizon 2020 (H2020, 2014–2020) by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions and recognised as a Festival by Europe for Festivals and Festivals for Europe (EFFE). It is supported by the Ministry for Education and Employment, the Parliamentary Secretary for Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation, BPC International and a number of corporate sponsors.

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