(MIPP) Malta 2013 International October Convention
It has been a really busy year and as is the norm, the Malta Institute of Professional Photographers (MIPP), is again approaching the end of their photographic year with a resounding bang – the much awaited October international photography convention.
The MIPP, in collaboration with the Society Representing Professional Image Makers (SWPP), proudly announces the Malta 2013 October Convection. The three-day international convention is a much awaited event on the Malta Institute of Professional Photography’s (MIPP) agenda. Prolific foreign and local guest speakers will address the audience on the 18th, 19th and 20th of October 2013. The convention is open to all professional photographers and photography enthusiasts. Venue is the Le Meridien Hotel, in St. Julian’s.
Throughout the convention guest speakers such as UK glamour and fashion photographer John Denton, award winning American international photojournalist, Heidi Levine, Ireland’s highly experienced photographer and tutor Podge Kelly, and the highly experienced Joe Zammit Lucia, will hold a number of lectures and workshops. As usual, this event is possible with the invaluable help of its main sponsor, The Societies of Great Britain.
The MIPP’s mutual cooperation with The Societies now goes back a long way and it is with their help that such a convention can be organized every year. Networking with The Societies enables the MIPP to regularly bring over international photographers of a high calibre. The insularity of our tiny island needs regular injections from other photographers working away from our shores. This challenges local photographers to keep on their toes and to gauge changing trends on the international circuit.
It will be our pleasure to again host Phil and Juliet Jones from the Societies as well as all the convention speakers, both international and local, together with all other guests and participants.The intense programme will also feature the assessment of the MIPP’s highly coveted Qualifications, which is again a much awaited feature of this convention.
For more information regarding the Malta Institute of Professional Photographers (MIPP) activity and events, please visit: http://convention.mipp-malta.com/prices-and-booking/ Bookings are open on bookings@mipp-malta.com
- October 7, 2013 No comments Posted in: Events