Tuesday 21 January 2025

New arrangements for extending Validity of Driver Permits and Driver Tag

With a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic, and in order to reduce the length of time for the renewal of Driver Permits and Driver Tag, and since there is a need for related verifications from tertiary entities before these are renewed, Transport Malta is making arrangements so that any driver permit and driver tag which expired on the 1st of December 2020 or after, regardless of the expiry date which is found on the tag, shall still be valid and will automatically be extended until the 31st of October 2021.

This means that everyone who holds this type of permit may still be able to operate in the coming months. In spite of this, Transport Malta will still be renewing Driver Permits and Driver Tag upon receiving the necessary verifications explained above.

All the terms, conditions and obligations established in the Passenger Transport Services Regulations, Taxi Services Regulations and Light Passenger Transport Services and Vehicle Hire Services Regulations shall be applicable to holders of these Driver Permits and Driver Tags. 

This arrangement has been made with the coming into force of the 2021 Regulations regarding the Extension of the Validity of Driver Permits and Driver Tag.

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