Friday 07 February 2025

Country’s latent asset highlighted at Malta BNI’s 5th annual awards

Malta has a latent asset which so far has not been really organised and developed. While year on year, Business Network International (BNI) us growing and consolidating in Malta, BNI already has a ready-made structure that can draw together under one BNI umbrella companies set up by businesspersons of Maltese descent in other countries, particularly in England, Australia, USA, Canada and the EU. This was stated by Malta BNI’s national director Mr David Bullock at the fifth annual awards gala dinner organised by Malta BNI to celebrate its six years in Malta.
“BNI can help develop this so-far-untapped network of Maltese companies in major countries across the world. This can be another significant contribution by Malta BNI. With over 6,500 Chapters having over 220,000 member companies in more than 60 countries, BNI can help Maltese companies grow their business internationally and, in turn, further the prosperity of Malta’s economy,” said Mr Bullock.
Echoing words of Dr Ivan Misner, who founded BNI in California over 30 years ago, Mr Bullock urged members to set even higher expectations. “In the last six years, I have come to appreciate the exceptional quality of our members in Malta. Your commitment to develop strong business referral chapters will make Malta BNI members among the best placed to open new trade corridors for their companies via BNI’s global connectivity.”
He congratulated the members, and particularly those receiving awards, for what had been achieved in establishing BNI in Malta over the last six years. With BNI’s philosophy of ‘Givers Gain’, the next few years will see Malta BNI grow from the current six chapters to ten chapters across the island helping Maltese businesses to become more successful through effective business networking.
The Minister for Finance Professor Edward Scicluna, who also presented the awards, said: “As Government, we welcome organisations, such as Malta BNI, which trains and develops its members as professional business people. With its philosophy of ‘Givers Gain’ and its well-structured, proficient and positive approach, BNI can tap the business potential in Malta.”
Malta BNI today consists of six chapters each comprising members who build long term business relationships and are sincerely committed to helping one another find more business through BNI’s ‘Givers’ Gain’ philosophy and business referrals. The six Malta BNI chapters – all named after Grand Masters – meet in Sliema (Verdala, Pinto de Fonseca) on Tuesdays, Naxxar (de Paule,) and St Julians (Wignacourt) on Wednesdays, Valletta (La Valette) on Thursdays and St Julians (de Redin) on Fridays.

The annual awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of several Malta BNI members. The awardees were:

Exceptional Contribution: Carmel Bonello, Richard Falzon

Outstanding Presidents: James Abela, Chris Cachia, Peter England, Maurizio Mamo, Gordhan Mohnani, Duncan Polidano, William Spiteri Bailey,
Tom van Malderen,
Outstanding Vice-Presidents: George Bonello, Mark Lightfoot
Outstanding Education Co-ordinator: Carmel Bonello, Dr David Gonzi, Peter Mifsud
Outstanding Visitors Host: Steve Micallef, Anneli Nilsson, Enrich Stafrace
Outstanding Contribution: Adrienne Despott, Marthese Grech, Steve Micallef,
Conway Wigg

Events Coordinator: Mark Arrigo, Gordon Pace
Most Promising New Members: Michelle Attard, Nadine Cuschieri, Karen Muscat Baldacchino,
Most Improved Chapter BNI de Paule
Largest Chapter: BNI de Redin
Best Chapter: BNI de Redin

The gala dinner event was organised by Carmel Bonello. A superb dinner was prepared by The Palace Hotel, Sliema.


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