Friday 26 April 2024

Leadership: from the court to the boardroom table

Pictured above: John De Giorgio, Rotary Governor of District 2110, Sicily & Malta presenting a token to Jonathan Chetcuti, Director at the Concept Stadium

Jonathan Chetcuti addresses Rotary Youth Leadership Awards held in Malta

Success in volleyball is a lot more than winning titles and keeping your body in good shape. Becoming a successful player and leading a team also means developing strong mental skills such as patience, authority, humility and dealing with failure. These were a few of the topics that Jonathan Chetcuti, Director and Founder at the Concept Stadium discussed during his presentation at the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) organised in Malta.

“Skills achieved through sport, such as volleyball in my case, will help you every step of the way, for your whole life, in just about any profession that you pursue. I have utilised these skills in both my personal and professional life at the Concept Stadium,” said Jonathan Chetcuti.

Jonathan Chetcuti mentioned how true leadership, whether on the volleyball court or in the boardroom is also about being thoughtful, confident and authentic. Genuine leadership is more than just a skill that you read and learn about; but it’s something that you achieve by constantly thinking of your peers to enable them to give their best at all times.

“We must lead my example – leadership is a full time job, with no shortcuts. I have learned through time, that one of the most important elements of becoming a leader and gain trust is to sit still and listen, just like we used to do during our training sessions. At first we thought that this was more of a demand; but as years went by, I realised that this was my first lesson in leadership. At the Concept Stadium, we don’t just request a task from our colleagues but we get the team motivated on the job at hand and harness the talent of our team to achieve a common goal: to satisfy our clients” he concluded.

RYLA is an annual program that aims at training and giving exposure on leadership to youths from various countries where Rotary is active. Leadership is a fundamental quality, necessary for advancement by anyone in their professional and personal life. This year’s RYLA was held for the first time in Malta and was entitled ‘Motivational Leadership’, with speakers including Nathan Farrugia, John De Giorgio and Professor Domenico Bodega.