Saturday 27 April 2024

Tell family and friends you love them with a MaltaPost Christmas card

A Christmas card tells a story of happiness and joy. A Christmas card delivers a message of hope. A Christmas card tells your family and friends that you took some time out of your busy agenda to think about them, to write a special thought and to post it to them.

MaltaPost is this year launching a set of six beautiful Christmas cards illustrating reproductions of six old master paintings representing the Madonna and Child and The Holy Family.

For your convenience, this set of cards comes with six envelopes and six local postage stamps (at the unchanged rate of €0.20 each). The total price of the set of cards including stamps is of only €2.

The set of Christmas Cards is available at all Post Offices in Malta and Gozo. For further information, visit our website on or send an email to or to call our Customer Care team on 21224421.

MaltaPost would like to wish its customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year full of love and peace.









Ibgħat ix-Xewqat tal-Milied b’Kartolina tal-MaltaPost

6 Kartolini u 6 bolli ta’ Malta għall-prezz ta’ €2



Kartolina tal-Milied tirrakkonta storja ta’ ferħ u hena. Kartolina tal-Milied twassal messaġġ ta’ tama.   B’ kartolina tal- Milied turi lill-familja u lil ħbieb  tiegħek li ddedikajt ftit mill-ħin tiegħek biex taħseb fihom, tiktbilhom messaġġ ta’ ferħ u tibgħatilhom kartolina.

MaltaPost nehdiet il-kollezjoni ta’ kartolini tal-Milied. Din il-kollezzjoni tikkonsisti f’sitt kartolini sbieħ li juru r-riproduzjonijiet ta’ sitt pitturi klassiċi li jirrappreżentaw lill-Madonna u l-Bambin u s-Sagra Familja.

Għall-konvenjenza tiegħek, dan il-pakkett ta’ kartolini varji tal-Milied jiġi flimkien ma’ sitt envelopes u sitt bolli (għall-prezz mhux mibdul ta’ €0.20 kull waħda), u qed jinbiegħ għal €2 kull pakkett.

Il-kartolini tal-Milied se jinbiegħu fil-Fergħat Postali kollha madwar Malta u Għawdex. Għal aktar informazzjoni żur il-websajt fuq jew ibgħat email fuq jew ċempel lit-tim tal-Customer Care fuq 21224421.

MaltaPost tawgura lill-klijenti tagħha, l-isbaħ xewqat għall-Milied u s-Sena t-tajba.