Wednesday 24 April 2024

The Caitlyn backlash

The transgender community is thrilled that someone as high profile as Bruce Jenner has been so forthcoming and candid about his transitioning into a woman. He is now a she and is called Caitlyn.

So far, so good, I wish her well and if she has shed awareness on the complexities of this issue, then that’s a positive thing.

But, seriously now, enough already.

After several weeks of seeing photos of Caitlyn in various seductive poses every time I turn on my PC, I’m beginning to wonder why there is this need for so much publicity. I could understand the interview with Diane Sawyer, which was done extremely well and which made me feel compassion for Bruce as he explained how he had grappled with his sexual identity all his life. (It still makes me wonder why he needed to marry three women and have six kids in order to come to this realization but, even though I still think it was selfish, after speaking with several people, I do understand it more).

But then came the Vanity Fair cover and all the glam seductive poses. And the zillion of articles after that. Now, we are told Caitlyn will have her own reality show and this is really where I’ve started to feel a growing irritation with the whole thing.

What’s it to you, some might ask? Isn’t it a free world, it’s her life, and so on. Yes, all of that is true, but since she has decided to map out every single aspect of her new life in such a blaring, public way, I feel I do have a right to comment.

I think of myself as pretty liberal and tolerant, and what people do in their private life is no concern of mine, but when it’s in your face all the time, it has kind of stopped being private. The question I keep asking myself is, what is Caitlyn trying to prove? After all that angst of coming out, and after the trauma she put her whole family through (because no one is going to convince me this was not traumatic, especially for the two youngest children aged 17 and 19), why is there what seems to be such an obsessive craving to always be talked about?

I want to make it clear that this is not a judgmental article about Bruce’s decision to become a woman, but rather a social observation on why people choose to play out such very private moments on such a very public platform. The fact that it is a transgender issue is irrelevant (it could easily apply to anyone, in fact). And it is precisely because I feel that no one should be discriminated against for their sexual orientation or identity that I think it is OK to criticize them just like we do anyone else.

What has especially irritated me is the way the media seems to have pussyfooted around the whole thing, almost falling over themselves to glorify this transition and almost afraid to point out that there were many people who were directly affected by this decision through no fault of their own, who have had their lives turned upside down. To try and pretend there has been no emotional fallout and that everyone in the family is cheering him on, is ridiculous. In fact, as obnoxious as she is, Kris Jenner was at least honest about it. The younger children especially have had to grapple with all this while the whole world watched. Obviously, I’m not saying Bruce should have continued to live a lie, but surely he could have gone about the whole thing in a much more sensitive way, out of a sense of fatherly duty towards his children?

I feel very strongly that, when one brings children into the world, it stops being just about YOU. Everything you do (forever and ever, even when they are adults) impinges on them, whether we like to admit it or not. It’s so easy to say “oh they can handle it, they’re grown up”. But the truth is that, when it comes to our parents, we prefer them to provide a steady, comforting presence, and not turn into people who are seized by fear that their time is running out and suddenly want to change their lives completely.

I know that it is unrealistic to expect parents to never change how they live their lives. These days especially, less parents are willing to sacrifice their own dreams and needs so that their children will not be upset. However, there are ways and ways how to go about breaking potentially devastating news to your kids. I seriously doubt whether telling your kids that you have always wanted to be a woman, and that you are now going to transition into one, should be done in front of rolling cameras.

The running joke, of course, is that the Kardashian reality show media empire (managed by the truly terrifying stage Mom) has rubbed off on Caitlyn, and having lived for so long in front of the cameras, she cannot stop.

But because she has chosen to continue with this reality show life, feeding continuous fodder to the gossip magazines and talk shows, Caitlyn (and the transgender community) should not be surprised if there is a growing backlash by members of the public whose sense of understanding is turning into complete exasperation. By shoving it continuously in our faces, you are not encouraging more tolerance, you are just being plain and utterly annoying.