Saturday 12 October 2024

The Melita Foundation supports programme for children affected by family illness

The Melita Foundation is supporting The Wellness Pod, an initiative of The Karl Vella Foundation, which offers six diverse programmes for children dealing with a loss or a serious illness of a family member. The Wellness Pod which caters for children of different ages, from different backgrounds, and with different needs strives to maintain a sense of continuity during difficult situations.
Professor Tanya Sammut-Bonnici, Chair of The Melita Foundation, said, “The Karl Vella Foundation really does amazing work, helping children aged from 5 to 17 to come to terms with the difficult situations that arise when an family member becomes seriously ill or passes away. The Melita Foundation is committed to supporting young people achieve their full potential and these support services for those who are facing particular circumstances are vital to ensure these children go on to make the most of life.”
The Karl Vella Foundation was established in 2014 and offers free educational and psychological support to children dealing with illness or loss in their family. Support includes one-to-one therapy and group programmes that help children interact. Since opening, the Foundation has helped more than 200 children.
More information on The Melita Foundation is available at

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