Monday 09 September 2024

Maltese and international firms come together for CSR Day 2019

Pictured above: HSBC Malta team members cooked for residents of Bormla at Ċentru Parrokkjali Sagra Familja

Fourteen leading businesses in Malta marked the 18th annual Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Day with respective employees volunteering a day’s work at various causes and NGO homes. CSR Day is held annually in March.
Sporting specially-designed t-shirts in a symbolic show of solidarity, hundreds of employees from AIS Group, Computime, Express Trailers, Farsons, Forestals, FTI Group, Gasan Group of Companies, GreenPak, HSBC Malta Foundation, MaltaPost, Multigas, Tipico, SEP Malta Holding, and St James Hospital participated in the activities at various localities in Malta and Gozo.
The companies carried out a range of works, from paintwork and cleanups to gardening and cooking. In no particular order, this year’s chosen causes were: Birżebuġa Primary School, Carers for Stray & Abandoned Felines (Bormla), Ċentru Parrokkjali Sagra Familja (Bormla), Monastery of Sta Margerita (Bormla), Sannat Primary and Special Unit (Sannat, Gozo), Noah’s Ark Dog Sanctuary (Mellieħa), Villa Chelsea of Richmond Foundation (Birkirkara), St Joseph Home (Ħamrun), a home improvement project of Agenżija Appoġġ (Valletta), a beach clean-up in cooperation with Nature Trust Malta (Pembroke), and on the premises of FTIA (Kalkara).

Farsons, Multigas at Villa Chelsea, B’Kara

Computime team members at Noah’s Ark Sanctuary in Mellieħa

FTI colleagues welcomed a group of disabled children at its premises in Smart City

Tipico team cleaned-up a beach in Pembroke
HSBC Gozo doing maintenance at Sannat primary school
MaltaPost colleagues at Ċentru Sagra Parrokkjali Familja in Bormla
St James Hospital team members joined hands with HSBC Malta
Staff of SEP Malta planted olive trees at Birżebuggia Primary School
Gasan Group staff members refurbished a home in Valletta

AIS Group and GreenPak staff renovated the home of 300 stray and abandoned cats at CSAF in Bormla

Express Trailers colleagues supported the mission of Noah’s Ark Dog Sanctuary in Mellieħa
Forestals team members worked at St Joseph Home in Ħamrun
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