For the third year running, HSBC Malta Foundation was one of the main sponsors of l-Istrina. The Bank donated €100,000.
HSBC supplemented its donation by additional funds raised during 2012 through various other HSBC activities including a cross-country triathlon which raised €6,000 and a poinsettia-for-charity initiative which raised €5,000.
The donation was presented to President of Malta Dr George Abela and Mrs Margaret Abela by HSBC Malta’s Head of Commercial Banking Michel Cordina and members of the staff who volunteered to help out during l-Istrina.
Organised by The Malta Community Chest Fund, l-Istrina is one ofMalta’s major charity events, involving a 12-hour TV marathon in aid of charity.
HSBC Malta Foundation has been supporting l-Istrina and the Malta Community Chest Fund over the last 12 years, l-Istrina as part of the Bank’s Corporate Sustainability programme committed to bringing about lasting benefits within the community.
- December 27, 2012 No comments Posted in: Volunteers