Hospice Malta holds AGM
Hospice Malta reported another successful year during its annual general meeting. During 2018, Hospice Malta continued to consolidate and expand its service provision offered to 1185 families through individualised care plans offering practical support, with an emphasis on quality care throughout.
Maria Gatt, Chairperson of Hospice Malta highlighted the considerable amount of work that needs to be carried out in relation to the development of St Michael Hospice, the first state-of-the-art complex in Malta dedicated entirely to providing comprehensive palliative care.
“We believe that our patients are unique and valued individuals and therefore we dream that through this complex we will significantly enhance the present palliative care services to patients in their own homes and communities as well as through the introduction of the new in-patient unit”. Ms Gatt stressed on the importance of attracting the right Human Resources to enable Hospice to meet the new demands of this project itself as well as its sustainability. The importance of the role of the volunteers was also emphasised.
Kenneth Delia, General Manager at Hospice Malta highlighted the various steps taken to ensure this. Apart from the provision of further training to all the professional staff, through EU funded job shadowing placements in a number of Hospices across Europe, a number of key performance indicators were used to ensure maximum efficiency, effectiveness as well as patient satisfaction.
During the year, there also was an improvement in procedures and the introduction of new services. A pilot project was initiated at the Day Therapy Unit whereby, once a week, patients benefitted from extra day therapy hours. A number of different therapies, including music and pet therapy were also initiated to also target the psychological wellbeing of patients attending the day therapy unit.
At the beginning of the year, the physiotherapy gym was also fully operational and day therapy as well as Home Care patients benefitted from a number of physiotherapy sessions within this facility.
Mr Delia highlighted quotes by various patients as they recount their experience of Hospice services. “Their heart is in the right place” is a phrase which truly reflects the importance of our services. It emphasises our commitment towards providing a service of the highest quality to our patients”.
Founded in 1989, Hospice Malta’s primary role is to provide and promote palliative care services to patients suffering from cancer, motor-neuron disease, end-of-life cardiac, respiratory, renal and liver diseases.
For more information, visit https://hospicemalta.org/
- May 31, 2019 No comments Posted in: Volunteers