Monday 09 September 2024

Girl guides speak out against violence

The World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), being the voice of more than 10
million girls and young women worldwide has launched the campaign Stop the Violence – Speak Out for Girls’ Rights to educate, act and advocate against domestic violence. All in all, the campaign is about empowering girls and young women to understand their rights and have the skills and confidence to claim their rights and the rights of others.
Earlier this month, the Malta Girl Guides Association hosted its 14th Annual Convention Changing Lives. The opening panel discussion was the official launch of the campaign itself in Malta. Distinguished guests included Aġenzija Żgħażagħ, the National Council for Women, the Commissioner for Domestic Violence and the Maltese Confederation for Women Organisations. All the training sessions which followed served as an eye opener for Guiders to truly understand the status of women and to be motivated to take action for change. Psychological and well-being workshops were organised for all leaders present in order to help them reflect on the sufferings of these battered victims whilst other sessions focused on self-confidence, conflict resolution and problem solving.
The training weekend was partly funded by the Small Initiatives Scheme, with the support of the Council for Voluntary Sector.
This association is currently developing a non-formal education programme based on a badge
curriculum. Through their educational campaign, even the youngest members are being exposed to advocacy issues. Today’s 5-year old Dolphin Guide is a future wife, mother or business woman. Her current experiences influence her adulthood and her subsequent family and work life. According to statistics, a girl who suffers violence during childhood is susceptible to become a victim later on in her life.
The ultimate objective is to exert pressure for radical progress by putting an end to the horrific
violence in Malta. As the biggest organisation dedicated to girls and young women, it aims to
ensure that girls grow up in a safe environment.
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