Tuesday 23 April 2024

Koinè welcomes Mediterranean social innovators

Social innovators based in the Mediterranean region can now sell or buy products and services, expand their network, find new opportunities, exchange expertise and best practices with different types of stakeholders through the innovation platform Koinè.net. Developed in Sicily, this web-based innovation platform is a first of its kind and was designed to promote business opportunities and collaborations between innovators with a social vocation.

The platform offers more than an opportunity to seek-offer job opportunities, as it is aimed at companies, start-ups, associations, organisations and professionals working in the Mediterranean area and interested in exploiting the potential for growth and acceleration of their activities.

Designed by the partners of the ENISIE project (Enabling Network-based Innovation through Services and Institutional Engagement) and funded by the Interreg VA Italy-Malta cooperation programme, its purpose is to encourage collaboration between Sicily and Malta whilst strengthening the development of innovative initiatives in the two islands.

Koinè was launched at the Malta Innovation Summit 2019, with the participation of representatives of Tree, the innovative SME specializing in Innovation and Education services; Impact Hub Siracusa, the Sicilian social innovation hub connected to the largest and well-established network of innovators on a global level; Malta Enterprise – Life Sciences Park managing the Malta Innovation Hub; and the Malta Council for the Voluntary Sector.

Joining the network is free and straight forward – create a profile, list the products or services on the personalized marketplace, and interact with other users including businesses or individual professionals.

For further information and registration, please visit http://www.koine.net/en or contact one of the project partners.