Sunday 28 April 2024

GasanMamo Insurance assists clients after hail damage

GasanMamo Insurance Claims Department staff are currently working hard to assist clients who have been negatively impacted by the extremely unsusal hailstorm that caused a great deal of damage in some areas on Tuesday 15th January.

The unsual nature of the hailstorm was in fact the size of  the hail stones which  in some cases exceeded 4cm in diameter. As one can imagine, the impact of a barrage of these pellets certainly left its mark on vehicles and solar panels, satellite dishes and other items that were exposed to the onslaught. The GasanMamo Comprehensive motor policy and its other property insurance policies provide the peace of mind to vehicle and property owners respectively that this risk is covered.

Claims Departments at GasanMamo are on full alert and a collective effort is being made to respond to claims immediately, providing assistance and advice to clients“While we recognise that this is a cost to our company, we acknowledge that this is why we are here and it is at this point that we excel, providing the best possible support to our clients,” said Julian Mamo, Director at GasanMamo Insurance.