Monday 09 September 2024

Family Time Malta – new website

Family Time Malta launches its website listing family-friendly activities
27th March 2019. The benefits of family recreation have long been documented. Parents in Malta, however, are often unaware of what recreational activities are available for them and their children. To this end, the website has been launched, aimed at providing families a comprehensive list of organisations, activities, and businesses who cater for their recreational needs. was officially inaugurated at Fort St Elmo, under the patronage of H.E. Marie Louise Celerio Preca, President of Malta, who emphasised that children have the right to play in a safe and fun environment, and also the importance of quality family time in their development as future good citizens.

Anna Gallo, founder of Family Time Malta, said: “The idea behind this initiative is to provide a platform for families with children from birth to 12 years of age including children differently abled, to plan quality time together. Although, in fact, there are many options available to families in Malta, until now it’s been very hard to find this information quickly and easily. This is where comes in, providing a one stop online platform packed with information on activities families can do together.”

More than just a directory, is a guide and resource for parents thanks to its interactive section. Amongst its many features, the website includes a section listing what activities are happening complete with customisable filters and geo-location making the user-experience easier and personalised.

“This platform is also an opportunity for anyone who runs a family friendly business or organisation to promote themselves and in fact registration for the site is currently free,” Gallo added.

President Colerio Preca said that she was indeed proud to be a patron of this initiative, adding that such an initiative is needed, as it promotes sustainability, and it promotes the right which children have to play and to recreate themselves.
Family Time Malta is also supported by Office of the Commissioner for Children, Heritage Malta, Visit Malta, Ministry for the Family, Children’s Rights and Social Solidarity, Nature Trust Malta, Esplora, Aquarium, Italian Institute of Culture and Marsa Sport Club.

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