Epic 5G breaks speed limits with fastest 5G in Malta
Epic has started to roll-out 5G with record breaking 1500 Mbps speed as part of the launch of its brand-new mobile network. The new mobile network brings faster speeds, wider coverage and the latest innovative technology for local consumers and businesses. The new milestone is part of Epic’s 40 million euro value investment in new infrastructure.
The announcement was made during a press conference held on Friday 26 November, in the presence of the Minister for the Economy and Industry, the Hon. Mr. Silvio Schembri, the MCA Chief Technology Officer Ing. Antoine C. Sciberras and UOM AI Senior Lecturer Prof. Alexiei Dingli.
Addressing the media at the launch, Epic CEO Tamas Banyai said “Today, as we celebrate the first year of Epic in Malta, we are once again delivering on our brand promise to offer Great Network and Great Value to our customers. Today we are launching our new mobile network, which provides better coverage and higher speeds to our customers, whilst the introduction of the 5G technology is taking the customer experience on Epic’s network to the next level. Our customers will enjoy greater bandwidth as well as faster and reliable internet connectivity wherever they are.”
Radio Network Senior Manager Ing. Mario Cordina showcased the record breaking 1500Mbps download, achieved through the use of broad spectrum and smart antennas which reduce interference for multiple users connected to the network. This technology setup is the first of its kind for Malta.
During the launch Epic shared more about its vision of how enhanced connectivity can make a tangible impact in improving the quality of life. Those present at the press conference were shown how virtual reality technology powered by Epic’s great network can help reduce pain for children going through medical treatment. This application, called Morpheus, a virtual reality project is funded by Epic’s foundation in conjunction with the University of Malta.
The Hon Silvio Schembri Minister for the Economy and Industry reiterated Governent’s commitment to maximise the potential of modern technology resourses that are shaping our digital society, such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, big data, cloud computing, virtual reality, robotic process automation, internet of things and 5G. “Malta’s commitment to the digital agenda is also evident in our national plans under the Recovery and Resiliency Facility. Government has allocated €81 million, equivalent to more than 25% of the funds allotted to Malta to initiatives aimed at accelerating digital transformation in areas which are critical to the whole economy, focusing on our public administration, our health care systems, our justice systems and uptake of digital technologies among Maltese Enterprises” said Minister Schembri
Epic 5G is available in selected areas in the Inner Harbour region where works on its brand-new network have been completed. The service is available in these areas for customers on the latest unlimited Pay Monthly Plans and Business Plans with a 5G enabled phone
- November 30, 2021 No comments Posted in: Press Launches Tags: Epic 5G