Tuesday 21 January 2025

Artists for Red Bull Curates announced

Photos Credit: Oriella Formosa Carabez

Red Bull has teamed up with Add More Colors and six up-and-coming artists for the ‘Red Bull Curates: The Canvas Cooler Project’, which will see chosen artists transform blank Red Bull Coolers into works of Art.

The event gives local artists the opportunity to collaborate with Red Bull to exhibit and promote their works of art and also puts them in the running to visit an international street art festival.

The six chosen finalists, who will participate in the first edition of the event in Malta, were chosen by a panel of judges following an open call which saw over 40 applicants put their names forward for the event.

Chris ‘SeaPuppy’ Jensen, Malcolm Alden, Glenn Ellul, Lara Manara, Cheryl Bilocca and Francesco Morana were selected as the finalists to take part in the design competition. Their Canvas Cooler artwork will be exhibited at New York Best, Miracles, MedAsia, Café Rouge, Café del Mar and Mojo in Gozo.

Glenn Ellul, one of the chosen artists said, “I am thrilled to have been awarded the opportunity to collaborate with Red Bull Curates. I feel lucky to have been paired up with Sliema’s Medasia Lounge since I am familiar with their interior and overall vibe. I feel confident that I can create a cooler which truly captures their essence.” Art student Cheryl Bilocca said, “I feel overwhelmed to have been given this opportunity. Since I am relatively new in the art scene, I think this project will help me to gain more confidence and open up new challenges. As an artist, I usually do abstract work, hence, for my cooler, I was planning on working mostly with the flow of colour and vibracy.”

The artists now have a month to complete their works of art, with an exhibition of their final masterpiece being held at Café del Mar on Wednesday 20th July. During the exhibition night, guests will vote for their favourite cooler and the artist with the most votes will be flown to Sweden for the International Street Art Festival.

For further information and updates about the event, visit the Red Bull Facebook Page, Add More Colors or the Event Page ‘Red Bull Curates: Canvas Cooler Project // Malta’.


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