Monday 09 September 2024

Archbishop to declare Bro. Louis Camilleri, ‘Servant of God’

Initiates Cause for his Beatification

This Sunday, March 31, 2019, Mgr Charles J. Scicluna, Archbishop of Malta, will initiate the Cause for the Beatification of Brother Louis Camilleri FSC and, by Decree, he will proclaim him ‘Servant of God’. The ceremony will be held in the majestic St John’s Co-Cathedral in Valletta at 11 a.m.

Bro. Louis, who died aged 87 in 2011, dedicated his life to Christian education as a De La Salle Brother. He hailed from a humble working-class family in Zurrieq and was the second of 11 children. He survived persecution in France while attending his novitiate during World War II (having joined the De La Salle Brothers aged 14).

On his return to Malta, in the early post-war years, Bro. Louis dedicated his teaching career to the dockyard apprentices, who attended De La Salle College in Cottonera, before taking on leadership roles at De La Salle College, Stella Maris College, Gżira, including St Benild’s School, Sliema, and the Brothers’ Novitiate in Mellieħa.

Bro. Louis is known by generations of teachers, parents and students, who came in contact with him and were influenced by him on both the academic and spiritual levels. He initiated the Signum Fidei fraternity in Malta in 1981, and was loved and respected by all members of the fraternity for his great spirit of faith and zeal, his piety and his readiness to help all in whatever manner.

Signum Fidei is an association of lay people who live by the spirit of the founder of the Lasallian community, St John Baptist de La Salle, and continues to meet regularly around the island.

The Cause of Bro. Louis’s Beatification is being led by Bro. Rodolfo Meoli, Postulator General of the Congregation of the Brothers of Christian Schools, assisted by Vice-Postulator, Bro. Saviour Gatt. This is the first step which is conducted at Diocesan level. The next and further steps of the Cause will be taken up, once that of the Malta Diocese is eventually concluded, by the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, in Rome. 

A team of dedicated members, friends of the Brothers, has been meeting regularly during the past three years to carry out the promotion of the life and virtues of Bro. Louis. New aspects of Bro. Louis’s life are being discovered almost daily and these important witnesses are being collected so that the cause may be defended over the coming years

All those who came in contact with Bro. Louis during his life, including former Dockyard apprentices, former students at the colleges, teachers and other collaborators and who wish to be present on Sunday for this unique event in the history of the Lasallian community in Malta are asked to send an e-mail to

They will receive an invitation card with instructions on seating arrangements to ensure a well organised assembly, and a solemn and dignified celebration.

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