The fifth movie in the filMati series will be Kenneth Sciculuna’s Daqqet ix-Xita. This short film will be shown on Friday, 7th February and the activity kicks-off at 6pm at Aġenzija Żgħażagħ’s Youth Hub in Santa Venera.
At the end of the show, there will be a discussion; Kenneth Sciculuna himself and Noel Tanti, who will be presenting an analysis and sharing some opinions of his, are the main speakers. Tanti writes the following review about the short film:
“One cannot reason with death. Kenneth Sciculuna’s short film, inspired by Shakespeare’s Hamlet and Jean Parisot’s city, is parallel to the unknown youngster’s grieve but who captures several memories. Themes of death, desperateness and absurdity, which finally serves as the climax of lots of experiences, are the essence of this short film.”
The session following the short film will be led by Noel Tanti, where the audience is free to participate during the discussion. Everyone is invited.
For more information follow this link:
- January 28, 2014 No comments Posted in: Events