Saturday 20 April 2024

The Concept Stadium has ISO 9001 certification successfully renewed

“In a fast-paced environment such as that of an agency, it is very important that checks and balances are in place, otherwise, it would be very difficult to maintain consistency and quality in what we do,” said Jonathan Dalli, CEO at the Concept Stadium. “Being ISO 9001 certified takes a lot of determination and hard work and in order to achieve this, we have defined and followed a quality management system which is effective and which identifies areas for continual improvement. This certification has given us, over the past 4 years, a process of what needs to be done on every level and helps us to maintain consistency, meet quality standards and provide the boutique consultancy we are known for,” he concluded.

The Concept Stadium have worked on meeting their quality standards with the relevant tools in place, ensuring quality and consistency throughout; from client acquisition and acceptance, to project briefs, idea generation, conceptualisation, design, execution as well as project feedback, billing and other administrative processes. The agency successfully passed the renewal audit for ISO 9001 standard certification for the provision of brand conceptualisation and management; marketing, business and public perception consultancy services; web development; and IT development; all in line with the 6 areas of business.

ISO 9001 is a standard defining corporate Quality Management System (QMS) requirements. Certification to ISO 9001 creates a systematic framework in which organisations drive continual improvement. One of the certification’s major strengths is its wider appeal for all types of organisations. Its focus on processes and customer satisfaction rather than procedures means it is very much applicable to service providers.

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