Thursday 25 April 2024

MDA welcomes economic surplus

The Malta Developers Association welcomes the news that after over three decades Malta’s Consolidated Fund is no longer in a permanent deficit situation, with Government revenue exceeding payments in 2016.

MDA recognises that this is an important milestone in Malta’s economic history and congratulates Government for reaching this objective without resorting to harsh austerity measures, while reducing taxation.
MDA would also like to point out that the construction and property industry has been one of the economic motors that led to this most satisfactory result and that Government’s pro-business attitude was also one of the reasons why this result was achieved.
Now that Malta has reached this target, Government should ensure that the economy remains buoyant to sustain a situation where annual deficits will be a thing of the past while keeping in mind the need for the country not to overspend and keep employment in the public sector within a manageable level.