Saturday 20 April 2024

University’s Research Trust receives donation from Christmas on Campus campaign

Pictured above: University Rector Professor Juanito Camilleri with KSU President Thomas Bugeja, RIDT CEO Wilfred Kenely and the Head of the Anatomy Department Dr Pierre Schembri-Wismayer  

The University Student Council (KSU), the University of Malta, the University Chaplaincy and a number of students’ organisations who teamed up for the Christmas on Campus campaign presented a third of the amount raised to the University’s Research, Innovation and Development Trust (RIDT). The sum of €4,000 will go towards cancer research projects at the University of Malta.

Dr. Pierre Schembri-Wismayer, Head of the Anatomy Department within the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery at the University of Malta, described the two specific cancer research projects that shall be benefiting from these funds. He stated: “The first project revolves around the use of natural products to cause differentiation in different types of cancer cells causing the malignant cells to die more naturally. This research mainly focuses on leukaemias and sarcomas, and may possibly extend to brain tumours. The second project we are currently undertaking is on a combination of immune and vaccine therapies related to breast and colon cancer.”

The University Rector Professor Juanito Camilleri praised the students and the organising team. He said: “It is a pleasure to see a concerted effort from so many student organisations to raise funds for charity as well as the University’s research projects. This contribution is very important – it shows the students’ willingness to invest in the future of our University and our country.”

“We encourage all of our faculty members to be actively engaged in research and to contribute towards innovation in our society. Cancer research projects are just one example of how our University is effectively contributing towards the Maltese society,” explained Professor Camilleri.

On behalf of the organising committee, KSU President Thomas Bugeja stated: “We are very proud of the fact that this donation will be supporting cancer research. We understand the University’s needs for financial support in order to continue developing its ambitions further. We shall endeavour to continue raising funds for good causes, such as RIDT, to ensure that the University continues to be one of our country’s success stories.”

Christmas on Campus this year, raised the largest sum ever of €12,000, which was equally divided among l-Istrina, Dar tal-Providenza and RIDT.

Other student’s organisations who were involved in the Christmas on Campus campaign included KSJC, AIESEC, ASCS, Betapsi, Comma, DESA, ELSA, ESN, ESO, Għ.S.T., Ghaqda tal-Malti, GUG, ICTSA, Insite, JEF, MHSA , MIRSA, MKSU, MMSA – SCOPH, MUSC, PULSE, SACES, S-Cubed, SDM, SHS, TDM2000 Malta, TSA, UESA, and Y4tE.

Donations to RIDT can be made through the website: or by calling tel no. 23408201.