Friday 26 April 2024

Vodafone gives out free tablets on renewing your pay monthly plan

 In its continuous effort to make the latest tablets on the market more accessible to consumers, Vodafone is offering a free tablet to any customer who renews his pay monthly plan. Vodafone customers renewing their contract on the new Smartphone 35 Plan will benefit from a free Vodafone Smart Tab II 7” whilst those subscribing to the new Smartphone 55 Plan will get a free Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7”.

“Following the success of the same offer during the Christmas period, we have decided to re-launch this fantastic deal, trying our best to offer our customers more alternatives when they renew their pay monthly plan,” said Sandro Pisani, Head of Marketing at Vodafone Malta. “Our offer helps customers have the latest technology in hand and experience mobile data internet on Vodafone’s reliable network.”

Moreover, Vodafone customers will also be able to connect their tablet to the internet for as little as €10 per month.  The Liberty Plus tariff plan provides 5GB data with a download speed of 21Mbps and an upload speed of 5Mbps.  The Liberty Max Plan offers customers 12GB data with the same download and upload speeds for only €15 a month.  Vodafone’s Liberty Data Plans are available on a 24 month subscription.  Tablets come with a free pre-packed Vodafone Internet SIM, depending on which Liberty Data Plan is chosen. This offer is available until the end of February or until stocks last.

For more information on how to get your free tablet visit a Vodafone store, call 247 for free from a Vodafone line, 9999 9247 from any other line, send an email to or log onto








Vodafone tagħti tablets b’xejn meta iġġedded il-Pay Monthly Plan tiegħek


Vodafone qed tkompli bl-istrateġija tagħha biex tablets bl-aħħar tekonoloġija jkunu aċċessibbli għall-klijenti kollha tagħha.  Vodafone qed toffri Tablet b’xejn lill-klijenti li jġeddu l-pay monthly plan tagħhom. Il-klijenti ta’ Vodafone li se jġeddu l-kuntratt tal-iSmartphone 35 Plan igawdu minn Vodafone Smart Tab II 7” b’xejn, filwaqt li dawk li se jabbonaw għal pjan ġdid, Smartphone 55 Plan, jingħataw Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7” b’xejn.


“Wara is-suċċess li din l-offerta jkellha fi żmien il-Milied, iddeċidejna li nerġgħu noffru din l-offerta fantastika, filwaqt li nagħmlu ħilitna biex noffru aktar alternattivi lill-klijenti meta jġeddu l-pay monthly plan tagħhom,” qal Sandro Pisani, -Kap tal-Marketing ta’ Vodafone Malta. “L-offerti tagħna jgħinu lill-konsumatur jkollu aċċess għall-aħħar tekonoloġija filwaqt li jesperjenza l-kumdita tal-mobile data internet grazzi għan-network affidabbli ta’ Vodafone.”


Barra minn dan, il-klijenti ta’ Vodafone jistgħu iqabbdu t-Tablet tagħhom mal-Internet b’ammont minimu ta’ €10 fix-xahar. It-tariffa Liberty Plus toffri 5GB data, b’download speed ta’ 21Mbps u upload speed ta’ 5Mbps. Il-Liberty Max Plan toffri lill-klijenti 12GB data, filwaqt li d-download u l-upload speeds jibqgħu l-istess b’ €15 fix-xahar. Il-Liberty Data Plans ta’ Vodafone huma disponibbli b’abbonament ta’ 24 xahar. Skont liema Liberty Data Plantagħżel, qed  jingħata Internet Sim pre-packed b’xejn ta’ Vodafone. Din l-offerta hi valida sa l-aħħar ta’ Frar jew sakemm jispiċċa l-istokk.


Għal aktar informazzjoni dwar kif tista’ takkwista din l-offerta tat-Tablet b’xejn, żur waħda mil-fergħat ta’ Vodafone jew ċempel 247 b’xejn minn linja Vodafone jew 9999 9247 minn kwalunkwe linja, jew ibgħat email fuq żur is-sit