Thursday 25 April 2024

Don’t just complain, sign this petition

The above photo shows boathouses in Armier, and first appeared in Malta Today

We often moan and complain how illegal behaviour and disorder seem to have reigned throughout the country – might is right, we say, and some people seem untouchable.

Well, here’s your chance to do something about it. David Darmanin has initiated a petition  entitled “Remove illegal boathouses from our island” which is being circulated  online. The petition reads as follows:

“We, the people, are petitioning the Maltese political parties to commit to remove illegal boathouses in their electoral manifestos for the upcoming elections. We, the people, will ONLY VOTE for the parties that include a strong commitment to removing these illegal buildings from our coasts and lands within 1 year of being elected.

Every Maltese and European citizen has the right to enjoy this country and its beauty without illegal squatters impeaching on our rights.”

So if you want to do something about this, rather than just complain, go to this link and sign it. Afterwards, please share it with as many people as possible.

Who knows? Maybe one day our voices will be heard just as loudly as that of those who are breaking the law.