Saturday 20 April 2024


(and all the men and women can be clowns)

Dwal Godda Theatre Group presents Buffi tal-Kummiedja  a new  two Act production penned by Martin Gauci, at the Gharghur Theatre to be performed on Saturday 17 November at 7.30pm and Sunday 18 November at 6.30pm.

This production shows that it is not that easy to see where the barrier between farce and comedy can be drawn. But theatre enlightens us as to why we stress on comparing our everyday life to tragedy.

Peter and Rose decide to devide their house in three flats.What they do not know beforehand is that they are going to rent one flat to two working as animators in a hotel and the other to two crafty Gozitan university students.

Before they know it all hell breaks loose in a pulling down the neighbourhood’s wall kind of way. Emily, their neighbour’s daughter slowly but surely becomes convinced that a clown and a scarecrow visit her when her parents are at loggerheads.

It is difficult to describe the difference between make-belief and magic in theatre especially when reality as we live it keeps interfering.

Peter insists that one thing is for sure:this life/circus would be more bearable if we accepted to live it (and not ACT it) as ‘clowns’; and the most difficult achievement is to bring out a smile in others when one is heart-broken.

Buffi tal-Kummiedja promises to be a breath of fresh air in our island’s fringe theatre this season.

This production is intended by Dwal Godda as a tribute to Fr Peter Seracino-Inglott who always admired the group’s ‘sincerity’ in it’s productions.

For further information feel free to contact Dwal Godda  on 79438328, 99288288 or on