Wednesday 24 April 2024

MDA on Gozo Tunnel Project

The Malta Developers Association is in favour of having a means to link the island of Malta and that of Gozo by road permanently, as it had already stated in April 2016, almost three years ago.
The MDA believes that specific studies on a number of aspects of the project have been undertaken or are being carried out – something that is normal when a project of such a magnitude is undertaken. MDA is satisfied that results of studies that have been concluded indicate positive assessments that lead to the approval of the project.
However, it notes that some NGOs and other entities who are opposing the project are continually insisting for further studies in the hope that these studies will lead to the abandonment of the project. Studies on proposed projects should not be intended ‘a priori’ to lead to negative assessments, as those opposing the project seem to think. MDA completely disagrees with those asking for more studies, so that the proposal is never
MDA reiterates that this project is the only way for Gozo’s economy to be fully integrated into the national economy and so that there will no longer be differences in the living standards between the two islands.